Friday, March 14, 2008

The Princess of the Tice Family will be named…

Oh you don’t think I am going to give it away at the beginning of a post do you??? :o) Be good and read the whole post before finding out, you waited this long, what is a few more seconds?

After many, many, many, many, many, names suggested and thrown out by both of us we have finally come to an agreement and much like when we named Tanner, we are pretty darn pleased with our combined pick.

I fought long and hard for Piper or Julia and Scott tried to stick his ground with Montana but in the end we both compromised and none of the above are a part of her name.

The day that we found out we were having a girl, Daddy found and dusted off the handy baby name book that helped us pick the name “Tanner” and we went through all of the girl names one by one. Well, we attempted to skip the choices we obviously wouldn’t pick like “Hortense” and “Shanaynay”, no offense if that is your or your child’s name, they just aren’t our style, but we did throw a few in to lighten us up. Hey, picking your child’s name can be a bit stressful. They will have to live with it the rest of their lives! There was one particular name that we kept coming back to and by the time we hit “Z” we knew we had her first name.

Her middle name is a bit of a different story. Since the first name we picked out starts with a “J”, yep, giving away a little hint there, I thought it would have been nice to have a middle name that starts with an “M” so we could share the same initials. We thought about my middle name and of course Scotty was drooling over the fact that I may actually give in and let him use “Montana”, ummmmmm, NO! We also thought about using Grandma Murle’s middle name which was “Mae.” In the end we didn’t go with a “M” middle name and decided to honor the person who will be her only living Great-Grandparent, my Grandma Goldie. No, her middle name isn’t “Goldie”, but we did choose GGG’s (Great Grandma Goldie’s) middle name.

So without further ado, our baby girl (or baby “gril” as Tanner now says instead of “goil”) will be named…

Josephine Naomi!!!

We haven’t decided if we will call her Josephine or Josie, we figured we would just let that fall into place much like the name “Tanner J” did. We thought he would be called “T.J.” but it never stuck and we didn’t push it, so who knows, she could be Josephine, Josie, Jo, Joey or maybe even FiFi. :o)

We still have a boy name that we love but we couldn’t change it into a female version …maybe we will be able to use it if there is a next time!

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